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In this image, a woman stands in sharp focus on a busy street, her sad expression contrasting with the blurred figures moving around her. The photograph captures the essence of how depression can feel isolating, even in a crowded environment. The clear focus on her face symbolizes the internal struggle she faces, while the indistinct people behind her represent how the world around her may not notice her emotional pain. This visual metaphor is a powerful reminder that depression is often hidden beneath the surface, not immediately visible to others, yet profoundly affecting those who experience it.

According to recent statistics, around one in four people will experience a mental health problem like depression each year. However, what makes depression particularly insidious is its enigmatic nature; it's not always caused by a single traumatic event or easily traceable to a specific cause.

A comprehensive word cloud illustrating the multifaceted nature of holistic health, encompassing physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellness for the Pocket Power blog An Holistic Approach

While all programs that seek to improve health and fitness are undoubtedly important, a truly comprehensive and effective approach to improving health and wellbeing and the only way that will actually bring about true and sustainable changes, will encompass not only physical activity but also mental wellbeing and nutritional intake inclusively. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why it is important to prioritise a holistic approach…

A picture of a man and woman depicting the freedom felt from breaking free from the chains of stress

With its innate cleverness, your amygdala stands as your vigilant protector, swiftly mobilising stress responses in the face of perceived threats. Yet, while its efficiency in safeguarding you is undeniable, it is important for you to recognise signs of prolonged stress reactions. This leads to a crucial question, can someone truly get stuck in a stress response?

A tall mountain standing tall out of the water with all the work it took to grow to that success hidden out of sight under the waterline.

Before we go into what failure is, let's understand what it isn't. Failure isn't a permanent state of being or a reflection of your worth as an individual. It isn't a final verdict on your abilities or potential. Failure isn't something to be feared or avoided at all costs; rather, it's a natural part of your learning process and an opportunity for growth.

A man sleeping with a smile to show how quality sleep can improve your wellbeing

We often hear people tell us that your health will suffer if you don’t get a good nights sleep, but we don’t often hear the reasons why this is the case. We all know that sleep deprivation feels horrible and brings with it moodiness, brain fog, muscle aches and even hunger and weight gain. But how does the lack of sleep bring on such symptoms?

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