What is Failure; A Reason to Stop or a Stepping Stone to Success?

Image to depict what success is

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Before we go into what failure is, let’s understand what it isn’t. Failure isn’t a permanent state of being or a reflection of your worth as an individual. It isn’t a final verdict on your abilities or potential. Failure isn’t something to be feared or avoided at all costs; rather, it’s a natural part of your learning process and an opportunity for growth. It isn’t a sign that you should give up on your dreams or abandon your goals. Instead, it’s a stepping stone toward your success, a chance to learn, adapt and ultimately thrive. So, before we go any further, can we agree that failure is merely a temporary setback on the path to greatness.

When a project you have been working on doesn’t pan out, as dis-heartening as it may feel, rather than throwing in the towel and giving up completely, take a step back and review the details. Analyse the circumstances and information you have to hand and use it as a learning opportunity. Failure is not the opposite of success; it is an essential part of the journey toward it. When you fail, you gain valuable insights and experiences that you wouldn’t have had without it. Each setback teaches you something new about yourself, your goals and the path you’re on. It gives you the opportunity to scrutinise your project and quite often come back with an even better, upgraded version that you wouldn’t have had without the initial failure. By reframing failure as a lesson rather than a defeat, you can extract wisdom and knowledge that will guide you on your continued journey.

For example, consider the story of J.K. Rowling, whose manuscript for “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was rejected by multiple publishers before finally being accepted. Instead of giving up, Rowling used each rejection as an opportunity to improve her work. She learned from her mistakes, honed her craft and eventually became one of the most successful authors of all time.

In fact, Pocket Power App itself is a project of many years, with various setbacks and moments of despair by the developers, but with each set-back came an improvement and upgrade to the design and functionality of the app. 

Trying and falling short is better than not trying at all. The fear of failure can hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Stop worrying about what others will think, or convincing yourself that you’re not good enough. The truth is, the only true failure is inaction. By not trying, you deny yourself the chance to grow, learn and ultimately succeed. Taking risks, even if they result in failure, is essential for personal and professional development.

Let’s look at another example. Think about the countless entrepreneurs who faced failure after failure before finally achieving success. From Elon Musk’s early setbacks with Space X and Tesla, to Oprah Winfrey’s challenging upbringing and initial career struggles. Each failure served as a stepping stone toward their eventual triumphs. Without their willingness to take risks and persevere in the face of adversity, they would not have reached the heights of success they enjoy today.

Don’t allow the opinions of others dictate your dreams. It’s natural to seek validation and approval from others, but when it comes to pursuing your goals, don’t let external opinions dictate your path. There will always be doubters, critics and naysayers, but their perspectives are often rooted in their own fears and insecurities. Trust in your vision, believe in yourself and don’t let the negativity of others dim your light.

Consider the story of Michael Jordan, widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. He faced not only failures on the court but also a chorus of naysayers and doubters throughout his career. Despite his undeniable talent, Michael Jordan encountered scepticism early on when he was cut from his high school basketball team. This could have crushed his spirit and ended his aspirations, but he carried on and throughout his journey, he continually faced doubters who questioned his abilities and criticised him. Even as he rose to prominence in the NBA, there were those who doubted his leadership, his decision-making and his ability to win championships.

However, instead of allowing the negativity of others to deter him, Michael Jordan used it as motivation to prove them wrong. 

Believe in yourself and your abilities and overcome the ‘crabs in a bucket’ mentality of others. ‘Crabs in a bucket’? you ask; let me explain. Picture a bucket half-full of crabs. Each crab scrambling over each other to escape and get out of the bucket. One crab has managed to get a good grip of the side of the bucket and is climbing nicely to the top, but the other crabs, they haven’t been able to do this and so, rather than pushing their fellow crab further up the bucket to help him reach the top, they pull him back down to join them at the bottom. ‘crabs in a bucket’

There will always be individuals who try to pull you down out of jealousy, insecurity or resentment. This ‘crabs in a bucket’ mentality stems from a scarcity mindset, where people believe that someone else’s success diminishes their own opportunities and they will try to pull you back down to their level. Recognise these people for what they are, victims of their own limiting beliefs, and don’t let their negativity derail your journey.

For example, imagine you’re pursuing a new career path, maybe deciding to branch out and start your own business and your friends or family members discourage you because they fear your success may highlight their own perceived shortcomings. Instead of succumbing to their doubts, surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and encourage you. Remember, your success does not diminish anyone else’s potential, it only serves as inspiration for others to chase their dreams.

Perhaps the most critical step in the journey toward success is simply getting started. Don’t allow the fear of failure to stop you. It is all too easy to procrastinate or make excuses, telling yourself that you’ll pursue your goals when the timing is right or when you feel more prepared. But the truth is, there will never be a perfect moment to begin. The only way to guarantee failure is by never taking that first step.

Think about the many successful individuals who started with humble beginnings, or faced rejection before achieving greatness. From Steve Jobs, who was once fired from Apple, to Vera Wang, who didn’t start her career in fashion until she was in her forties, each of these people had to start somewhere. By taking that initial leap of faith, they set themselves on a path toward success, despite the obstacles they encountered along the way.

Failure is not something to be feared, but embraced as an integral part of the journey toward success. By viewing failure as a learning opportunity, refusing to let the opinions of others dictate your dreams and overcoming the ‘crabs in a bucket’ mentality of those who seek to drag you down, you can unleash your full potential and achieve your goals. Remember, the road to success is rarely smooth or straightforward, but with resilience, determination and a willingness to start, you can turn your failures into triumphs and realise your dreams.

So, dare to dream boldly, embrace the journey and never let the fear of failure hold you back. Your greatest success may be just around the corner, waiting for you to take that first step.

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